David Smith's Rock and Roll Playground

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Recapturing my inner child.

Over the last 3 years or so I've begun to envy those that can hold on to aspects of their childhood without being ashamed, i.e. I have one friend who really enjoys the sound styling of Rock-A-Pella, another who enjoys the Goofy movie, and yet another with a seemingly insatiable appetite for robots. I however, sometime struggle to lubricate these arthritic joints with youthful exuberance. Ever since I realized I was slipping into a melancholy adulthood I've been in search of the things that for a brief moment send childhood mirth pulsing through my veins. The following is a list of what I've come up with so far:
  • A good bike ride. When was the last time you've tried to pop a wheelie on your old huffy, stand on the frame of your bike while its rolling, give someone a ride on your pegs, or simply jump that curb that curves up at the end of your driveway to catch some wicked air.
  • A good movie, long since forgotten. The one I'm thinking of is "Honey I Shrunk the Kids," it was good way to revisit a time when I could shamelessly laugh in public at a good French class joke.
  • Watching kids play make believe. My room-mate actually brought this my attention, as a girl and two boys entered into a make believe hide-out in the form of some bare bushes behind University mall. And more recently, yesterday, I caught my nephew having a ninja fight/dance across the kitchen.
  • Flying a kite. Bar-none one of the cooler portions of childhood was getting a kite to soar to the end of the 500 ft spool of string, and not far behind in coolness, is running as fast as you can in a futile attempt to keep your hawk kite in the air.
  • A good rail slide. Suit pants are the best for a back side joy slide down the stair-rails at the south end of campus.
This is what I have so far, its by no means exhaustive; I invite anyone to comment on what puts the spring back into their step.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A brief Introduction.

I've recently been trying to get my more profound thoughts down into a notebook for the purposes of passing them on to my posterity; however, just like nephi, theres a lot of things that I don't feel like need to clutter up my stylish Moleskine thought book. so in addition to my first record, I figure this could do for a second set of plates to house some of those thoughts not worthy of my leather bound genius book.

So... Without Further ado, Welcome to D. Smiths Rock and Roll Playground. Feel free to romp around, break lamps like it's a hotel suite, and carve your names and comments on it's virtual walls